Please see the attached about the fourth and final “Reach Out” pro bono program for this year on October 24, 2013 that provides free CLE and the opportunity to work alongside the CMBA and in-house counsel of NEO ACCA to help nonprofits in our community. Should you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Lesny Fleming, Chair of the Community Relations and Public Service Committee at, or Cynthia Binns, Vice- Chair, at
Specific Event Information:
Title: Reach Out Legal Assistance Seminar and Clinic Location: Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Date: October 24, 2013 Time: 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. Registration 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Free CLE Credit 6:15 – 7:15 p.m. Clinic
The Community Relations and Public Service Committee is pleased to announce the fourth and final program of this year of Reach Out: The Ins and Outs of Fundraising for Nonprofits. Reach Out is a collaborative effort of our local chapter of the Federal Bar Association, the Northeast Ohio Chapter - Association of Corporate Counsel - America (NEO ACCA), and the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (CMBA) - all of which have teamed up to develop and provide valuable law-related education and pro bono legal assistance to non-profit organizations in Northeast Ohio whose missions focus on community service and who demonstrate financial need.
The fourth and final educational seminars and clinics for this year is scheduled for Thursday,October 24, 2013 on the topic of "The Ins and Outs of Fundraising for Nonprofits"
For the attached “Reach Out” pro bono program click here.
Registration for the programs and clinics may otherwise be made at